Choose from the range of SugarNme Diabities Care Packages

Sugar Basic

Ideal for someone who has been recently diagnosed with diabetes or patients looking for a routine diabetes check-up and health advice. Recommended for people above 35 years, is overweight, and has a family history.

Rs -
  • Sugar Fasting
  • Sugar PP
  • HbAlc
  • Lipid Profile
  • Kidney Function Test
  • Urine RIE
  • Diet Consultation

Sugar Advance

Ideal for diabetes who has need a full body check-up along with expert advice on managing diabetes Recommended for people above 40 years with a family history or already diagnosed with diabetes.

Rs -
  • Sugar Fasting
  • Sugar PP
  • HbAlc
  • Lipid Profile
  • Kidney Function Test
  • Urine RIE
  • Liver Function Test
  • CBC
  • Vitamin-D
  • MAU
  • Diet Consultation

Sugar Comprehensive

Ideal for diabetes who need a full body check-up and screening for associated conditions Get expert advice on how to avoid complications and risk factors Recommended for people above 45 years, has a family history, or is a long term diabetic.

Rs -
  • Sugar Fasting
  • Sugar PP
  • HbAlc
  • Lipid Profile
  • Kidney Function Test
  • Urine RIE
  • Liver Function Test
  • CBC
  • Vitamin-D
  • MAU
  • Thyroid Profile Total
  • HsCRP
  • Diet Consultation

प्रत्येक रविवार प्रात: 9 बजे से दोपहर 2 बजे

० स्त्री रोग विभाग

० चर्म रोग विभाग

” मेडिसिन विभाग

० सर्जरी विभाग

० दंत रोग विभाग

० बाल एवं शिशु रोग विभाग

में परामर्श नि:शुल्क रहेगा

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